
The Monuments of Ur
The Monuments of Ur

The Monuments of Ur

Most people believe that most ancient monuments probably only reside in Baghdad or Babil. But did you know thatthe ancient civilization of Ur is located in Dhi Qar Governate, south of Nasiriyah?


Ur's patron deity was Nanna the Sumerian and Akkadian moon god, and the  

name of the city is in origin derived from the god's name, UNUGKI, literally "the abode (UNUG) of Nanna".The site is marked by the partially restored ruins of the Ziggurat of Ur, which contained the shrine of Nanna.

While Egypt hasthe Pyramids, Iraq has theZiggurat of Ur– a well-preservedarchitectualachievement that towers over the ruins of an important ancient city. The Ziggurat of Ur is a 4,100-year-old massive, tiered shrine lined with giant staircases.

Ur was a major Sumerian urban center on the Mesopotamian plain. Especially the discovery of the Royal Tombs has confirmed its splendour. These tombs, which date to the Early Dynastic IIIa period (approximately in the 25th or 24th century BC), contained an immense treasure of luxury items made of precious metals and semi-precious stones imported from long distances (Ancient Iran, Afghanistan, India, Asia Minor, the Levant and the Persian Gulf.)

This wealth, unparalleled up to then, is a testimony of Ur's economic importance during the Early Bronze Age.The Standard of Ur mosaic, from the royal tombs of Ur, is made of red limestone, bitumen, lapis lazuli, and shell. The "peace" side shows comfort, music, and prosperity. The "war" side shows the king, his armies, and chariots trampling on enemies.

Come and experience a new adventure with this hidden gem!